What to expect when you come for an Ayurvedic examination? First, ask if the person has completed school or adequate education and how he or she works? The recommendation of some plants that you can find in free sale, regardless of the fact that they are known as “miraculous”, is not for everyone. A good Ayurvedic therapist should be able to recognize and recommend this.
3 hours before eating the last meal, which should not be too abundant
Consume only liquid water
Remove nail polish (if you have it)
The examination itself consists of:
Prashnana: interview
Darshana: observation
Sparhana: examination (mucous membranes, nails, tongue, abdomen, pulse)
A lot is seen in the conversation with the client. The health condition and the way the client feels speaks volumes about the Ayurvedic perspective of the client’s body and mind. At the same time, the state of emotional and / or mental state is evident through the way he describes his problem. Everything the client says is recorded and put together into a whole picture. It is important for the therapist to recognize the client’s disorder (Vikriti) in the Mind and Body, but also the client’s primary constitution (if it is expressed – Prakriti).
During the conversation and interaction with the client, during the entire examination, the therapist reads and notices everything that the client does not say. The way he moves, talks, yawns, breathes, gesticulates, even how he is dressed – says a lot to the therapist. Perception is a powerful therapist’s tool and skill in reviewing and deducing problems.
The review itself comes down to the review:
palpation of the abdomen
palpation of the pulse
Everything else is read through the interaction, such as the warmth of the skin, the way you breathe, talk, move, the sounds produced by the body on palpation.
What to expect from an Ayurvedic review?
Ayurveda uses 3 approaches to treatment:
AHARA = food
VIHARA = lifestyle changes
AUSHADHI = Ayurvedic medicines (of mineral, herbal and / or animal origin)
You should get general information about your health; explanation of what is happening from the Ayurvedic point of view, recommendation of foods you should eat, changes or modifications of lifestyle (when to eat, how much, what activities to do, recommendations for some breathing exercises, recreation or other activities), depending on the client’s illness, metabolism and possibilities. If necessary, the client receives Ayurvedic therapy, in the form of Ayurvedic preparations, which are herbal / animal or mineral, perhaps some home recipes, if necessary.
The client should receive support, follow up (should follow the client in his recovery path), advise him and arrange an appointment for the next, follow-up examination, in order to have all the help of the therapist to his goal.
According to the code, the therapist is in charge of helping the suffering of humanity and create a feeling of security and give support to the client.
For everything else, the therapist’s mail, web, telephone are available.
I hope you have similar experiences with your Ayurvedic therapists.
Be kind to yourself!
Larisa Kesteli – Kostjuk 385 95 5740332, Ayurvedic practitioner