Kapha hrana

Kapha je najstabilinija dosha. Teška, uljnata, spora, hladna i slatka.
Hrana koja će spustiti Kapha doshu i uravnotežiti ju je: trpka, topla, ljuta: zeleno lisnato povrće, kuhano, uz začine, malo proteina i lagana – jednovrsna salata. Nemojte jesti često, Kaphe mogu dugo bez hrane i jedina je dosha koja podnosi post.

Kapha je naš najstabilniji princip u tijelu. Ljudi koji vole osjećaj stabilnosti, mira, rutine i reda.


  • teže su i krupnije građe tijela: snažnijih mišića, obline su naglašene, muskulatura je obilnija, “mesnati” su i koža im je lagano hladna na dodir
  • teže se znoje i treba im dugo da se oznoje
  • punih obraza, usana, krupnih očiju, porculanskog tena, koža je deblja i malo masnija, kosa je jaka, čvrsta, lagano valovita ili ravna, teška i sjajna
  • sporiji su u aktivnostima, razmišljaju polako i sistematično, lako se spajaju s drugima i treba im vremena da se  uključe u aktivnosti, ali kad se posvete – ustraju u vremenu
  • gode im ljudi, vole rutinizirane poslove
  • često imaju višak elementa vode u tijelu i time su skloniji zadržavati vodu, naticati i skupljati kilograme ako su dugo statični
  • treba im aktivnosti koje su intenzivnijeg karaktera, poput trčanja, kardio vježbi i intenzivnijih i toplijih praksi koje moraju trajati duže od 30minuta jer im duže treba da metabolički dođu u pravi ritam i zagriju tijelo
  • treba im manje sna i manje hrane, više aktivnosti

Hrana koja im odgovara:

  • trpko, gorko, ljuto: zeleno lisnato povrće, sva suha i vruća hrana (juhe s krtim mesom, korijenastim povrćem i intenzivnijim začinima)
  • začini koji isušuju: cimet, kardamom, klinčić, suhi đumbir, papar, anis

Hrana koja podiže princip Kaphe i koju Kaphe trebaju izbjegavati:

  • slatko, slano, kiselo: to su sve mliječne, slatke namirnice (pogotovo fermentirani i bijeli šećer), ocat, jako slana hrana (zadržava vodu u tijelu kod Kapha), brašnasti, gnjecavi i pšenični proizvodi, sve što je masno, hladno i slatko (kikiriki, orasi, pekarski proizvodi, pudinzi, jogurti, hladetina i sl.)


Kapha is the most stable dosha. Heavy, oily, slow, cold and sweet.
The food that will lower Kapha dosha and balance it is: bitter, warm, spicy: green leafy vegetables, cooked, with spices, a little protein and light – a kind of salad. Don’t eat often, Kaphe can go without food for a long time and is the only dosha who endures fasting.

Kapha is our most stable principle in the body. People who love a sense of stability, peace, routine and order.


  • they are heavier and larger body structure: stronger muscles, curves are emphasized, muscles are more abundant, they are “fleshy” and their skin is slightly cold to the touch
  • they sweat harder and take a long time
  • full cheeks, lips, large eyes, porcelain complexion, skin is thicker and slightly oily, hair is strong, firm, slightly wavy or straight, heavy and shiny
  • they are slower in activities, think slowly and systematically, connect easily with others and need time to get involved in activities, but when they commit – they persevere in time
  • they like people and routine jobs
  • they often have an excess of water in their body and are therefore more likely to retain water, gain weight and gain weight if they are static for a long time
  • they need activities that are more intense, such as running, cardio exercises and more intense and warmer practices that must last longer than 30 minutes because they need to metabolically get back to the right rhythm and warm up the body
  • they need less sleep and less food, more activity

Food that suits them:

  • bitter, bitter, spicy: green leafy vegetables, all dry and hot foods (soups with lean meat, root vegetables and more intense spices)
    dehydrating spices: cinnamon, cardamom, clove, dried ginger, pepper, anise

Foods that raise the principle of Kapha and that Kapha should avoid:

  • sweet, salty, sour: these are all dairy, sweet foods (especially fermented and white sugar), vinegar, very salty foods (retains water in the body at Kapha), floury, gooey and wheat products, everything that is fatty, cold and sweet (peanuts, nuts, bakery products, puddings, yogurts, cold cuts, etc.)




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